
The Chants R&B

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Mike Rudd Collection


Chants R&B circa 1964 (King Bee)
Trevor Courtney (Drums)  Wees 'n Poohs, Jim Thomlin (Lead Guitar), Mike Rudd (Rhythm Guitar) and Peter Hansen (Bass)
The original line-up had included Compton Tothill (Bass) and Stan Major (Sax)
Peter Hansen was later replaced by Martin Forrer who was subsequently replaced by Neil Young prior to the group's move to Melbourne.

In February of 1965 The Chants R&B entered The Big Beat Dance Band Contest held in Canterbury Court, Christchurch.  At that point the line-up consisted of Mike Rudd (Rhythm Guitar/Vocals), Peter Hansen (Bass Guitar), Jim Tomlin (Lead Guitar) and Trevor Courtney (Drums)


Pre-Chants line-up  —  Signatures
Compton Tothill (Bass), Trevor Courtney (Drums), Mike Rudd (Guitar/Vocals/Harp), Jim Tomlin (Guitar), and Stan Major (Sax)

Chants R&B  —  iteration of the group with Martin Forrer on bass
Trevor Courtney, Jim Tomlin, Martin Forrer (Bass), Mike Rudd


The Chants at The Stage Door  —  Trevor Courtney (Drums), Mike Rudd (Guitar/Vocals/Harp), Martin Forrer (Bass Guitar), and Jim Tomlin (Lead Guitar)


Chants R&B were victorious in the Big Beat Dance Band Contest held in February 1965 in Canterbury Court, Christchurch.  Peter, Paul and The Pursuers were runners-up, with Timaru's Beat Unlimited in third place, and another Timaru band The Kor-Tels in 4th place, out of the six finalists.


The Chants - Peter Hansen, Mike Rudd, Jim Tomlin, and Trevor Courtney

The Chants winning The Big Beat Dance Band Contest 1965


Chants R&B - on stage at The Stage Door (Poster)


Chants R&B on Stage at home at The Stage Door

Chants R&B on Stage at home at The Stage Door




Chants R&B at The Stage Door immediately prior to moving over to Aus
Newspaper shot showing Mike Rudd and new bass player Neil Young

Newspaper shot - Trevor Courtney
Tim Piper, Mike Rudd and Neil Young

Tim Piper
..... at The Stage Door with a fan


Additional Chants R&B and Mike Rudd related information is available on the following individual pages, as well as the Audio Culture Website .....


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