The Hillsborough Tavern - 12 Curries Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch 8022, after the devastating 2009 fire
The Hillsborough Tavern was situated at 12 Curries Road Hillsborough, Christchurch 8022 New Zealand, near the intersection with Port Hills Road. Opened in 1972, it was an extremely popular live music venue and one of several suburban taverns built around Christchurch at this particular time. The Heathcote County Council granted planning approval for a licensed tavern just off Port Hills Road in June 1970. The company behind this proposal, included a substantial holding by Dominion Breweries who had an agreement to buy the site from Pacific Scrap Limited (who were a scrap metal operation). From this modest beginning the Hillsborough Tavern was opened in 1972 (managed by Mr and Mrs Killick). Patrons had a choice of three bars in contemporary seventies design: The Glenelg, The Cashmere Bar and a Public bar. A bottle store sold the standard beers wines and spirits. There was an expectation that younger people would make up a large part of the tavern's patronage. The Captain's Mis-Steak restaurant offered a family-friendly, mid-range venue and steak was a feature of the menu. Families could dine at the Captain's Table — a raised table on a mock boat.
The Heathcote County Council's early, harmonious relationship around the time of the tavern's planning approval and development stages soon deteriorated, and as early as 1973 the Council held serious concerns at the behaviour of drivers leaving The Hillsborough Tavern. The tavern ultimately closed in 2009 after a devastating fire. |