
Bailies Edgeware

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Christchurch City Coat of Arms


ROCKHAPPENZ Public Collection


Bailies Edgeware  —  venue for most recent PN Muso Get-together functions

The first Wednesday in each month Christchurch 60s musos get together to catch up and tell lies ...


PN Musos at Bailies
Peter Nelson, Ted Meares, Pat Kerans, Les Inwood, Peter Williams and John Campbell


Originally held infrequently at Kidd's Cakes and Bakery on Cranford Street, Christchurch and eventually moving to Bailies Bar on Edgeware Road, Christchurch, Peter Nelson's idea to promote and maintain connections with Canterbury musicians of the Rock Era, has become a local institution.  The event now occurs on the first Wednesday of every month, with up to 30 musos taking the time to get back and have a chin-wag with some old mates on a regular basis..